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we find a way through building thought-filled brand identities you can see, hear, and feel.

It’s not only about what you name the brand, product, or service, it’s about how we can use it to create the story surrounding it. You want a name that will stand out and resonate with your ideal customers. Through name development, trademark evaluation, and consumer research, we do just that.
Brand Story
If your branding is the body of your business, your brand story is the backbone. This is the solid foundation we lay that will hold up the business and have your dream customer choosing you over the next gal or guy. Moxie Made works with you to identify what makes you, your business, and your product/service unique. We then translate that over into structure such as brand goals, purpose, vision, mission, and values.
Customer Personas
After establishing what makes you, your business, and your product/service authentic, we then establish a very detailed outline of WHO you want to be speaking, selling, and building relationships with. These are referred to as your customer personas.
Voice & Tone
Once we understand the WHO behind the business, we can then create your brand’s voice & tone - how is your brand going to sound to your customers. Moxie Made uses a handful of exercises to accomplish this step in the process which tend to be a very enlightening experience for business owners.
Brand Messaging
Now that we have the foundation crafted for the brand, we know WHO we are speaking to with it, and HOW we are speaking, we establish the WHAT - What will the brand be saying to its customers. We discover what the main pillars should be for people to associate your business with.
Visual Brand Identity
To conclude the brand identity creation, we take the newly created brand strategy and implement it visually. This includes brand color and typography selection, logo creation, patterns, 30-page identity guidelines, and any other extra visual assets needed such as business cards, postcards, signage, etc.

Web Development
Moxie Made uses web platforms Webflow and Shopify to develop websites for the brands we create. Depending on the purpose of the business, this could be a blog, an e-commerce shop, an online portfolio, etc.
Web Design
Web Design is where we get to take the newly crafted brand and let it shine. By having Moxie Made design the look and feel of your website, you can ensure it will be cohesive and consistent with all your other brand touchpoints.
To compliment the look and feel, we then come in and use your brand story and messaging to create the verbiage for your website. Moxie Made utilizes SEO strategy in this process as well.